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The first argument can be a multiOmicDataset object (moo) or a data.frame containing counts. For a moo, choose which counts slot to use with count_type & (optionally) sub_count_type. For a data.frame, you must also set sample_metadata. All other arguments are optional.


plot_expr_heatmap(moo_counts, ...)



counts dataframe or multiOmicDataSet containing count_type & sub_count_type in the counts slot


arguments forwarded to method


heatmap from ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()


The samples (i.e. the columns) are clustered in an unsupervised fashion based on how similar their expression profiles are across the included genes. This can help identify samples that are non clustering with their group as you might expect based on the experimental design.

By default, the top 500 genes by variance are used, as these are generally going to include those genes that most distinguish your samples from one another. You can change this as well as many other parameters about this heatmap if you explore the advanced options (see plot_expr_heatmap_dat).


link to docsclass

Method Usage

# multiOmicDataset
  sub_count_type = NULL,

# dataframe
  sample_id_colname = NULL,
  feature_id_colname = NULL,
  group_colname = "Group",
  label_colname = NULL,
  samples_to_include = NULL,
  color_values = c(
    "#5954d6", "#e1562c", "#b80058", "#00c6f8", "#d163e6", "#00a76c",
    "#ff9287", "#008cf9", "#006e00", "#796880", "#FFA500", "#878500"
  include_all_genes = FALSE,
  filter_top_genes_by_variance = TRUE,
  top_genes_by_variance_to_include = 500,
  specific_genes_to_include_in_heatmap = "None",
  cluster_genes = TRUE,
  gene_distance_metric = "correlation",
  gene_clustering_method = "average",
  display_gene_dendrograms = TRUE,
  display_gene_names = FALSE,
  center_and_rescale_expression = TRUE,
  cluster_samples = FALSE,
  arrange_sample_columns = TRUE,
  order_by_gene_expression = FALSE,
  gene_to_order_columns = " ",
  gene_expression_order = "low_to_high",
  smpl_distance_metric = "correlation",
  smpl_clustering_method = "average",
  display_smpl_dendrograms = TRUE,
  reorder_dendrogram = FALSE,
  reorder_dendrogram_order = c(),
  display_sample_names = TRUE,
  group_columns = c("Group", "Replicate", "Batch"),
  assign_group_colors = FALSE,
  assign_color_to_sample_groups = c(),
  group_colors = c("indigo", "carrot", "lipstick", "turquoise", "lavender",
    "jade", "coral", "azure", "green", "rum", "orange", "olive"),
  heatmap_color_scheme = "Default",
  autoscale_heatmap_color = TRUE,
  set_min_heatmap_color = -2,
  set_max_heatmap_color = 2,
  aspect_ratio = "Auto",
  legend_font_size = 10,
  gene_name_font_size = 4,
  sample_name_font_size = 8,
  display_numbers = FALSE)


# plot expression heatmap for a counts slot in a multiOmicDataset Object
moo <- multiOmicDataSet(
  sample_metadata =,
  anno_dat = data.frame(),
  counts_lst = list(
    "raw" = nidap_raw_counts,
    "norm" = list(
      "voom" =
p <- plot_expr_heatmap(moo, count_type = "norm", sub_count_type = "voom")
#> Warning: `arrange_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
#>  Please use `arrange()` instead.
#>  See vignette('programming') for more help
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the MOSuite package.
#>   Please report the issue at <>.
#> [1] "The total number of genes in heatmap: 500"
#> Warning: The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.
#> Warning: argument `height` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation,
#> skip it.

# customize the plot
  count_type = "norm", sub_count_type = "voom",
  top_genes_by_variance_to_include = 100
#> [1] "The total number of genes in heatmap: 100"
#> Warning: The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.
#> Warning: argument `height` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation,
#> skip it.

# plot expression heatmap for a counts dataframe
counts_dat <- moo@counts$norm$voom
  sample_metadata = nidap_sample_metadata,
  sample_id_colname = "Sample",
  feature_id_colname = "Gene",
  group_colname = "Group",
  label_colname = "Label",
  top_genes_by_variance_to_include = 100
#> [1] "The total number of genes in heatmap: 100"
#> Warning: The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.
#> Warning: argument `height` is not supported in pheatmap -> Heatmap translation,
#> skip it.