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#> Warning: replacing previous import 'S4Arrays::makeNindexFromArrayViewport' by
#> 'DelayedArray::makeNindexFromArrayViewport' when loading 'SummarizedExperiment'
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

RENEE dataset

# replace these lines with the actual paths to your files
gene_counts_tsv <- system.file("extdata",
  package = "MOSuite"
metadata_tsv <- system.file("extdata", "sample_metadata.tsv.gz",
  package = "MOSuite"

# create multi-omic object
moo <- create_multiOmicDataSet_from_files(
  sample_meta_filepath = metadata_tsv,
  feature_counts_filepath = gene_counts_tsv
#> Rows: 58929 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: "\t"
#> chr (2): gene_id, GeneName
#> dbl (4): KO_S3, KO_S4, WT_S1, WT_S2
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> Rows: 4 Columns: 2
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: "\t"
#> chr (2): sample_id, condition
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   gene_id            KO_S3 KO_S4 WT_S1 WT_S2
#>   <chr>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ENSG00000121410.11     0     0     0     0
#> 2 ENSG00000268895.5      0     0     0     0
#> 3 ENSG00000148584.15     0     0     0     0
#> 4 ENSG00000175899.14     0     0     0     0
#> 5 ENSG00000245105.3      0     0     0     0
#> 6 ENSG00000166535.20     0     0     0     0
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   sample_id condition
#>   <chr>     <chr>    
#> 1 KO_S3     knockout 
#> 2 KO_S4     knockout 
#> 3 WT_S1     wildtype 
#> 4 WT_S2     wildtype
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   gene_id            GeneName
#>   <chr>              <chr>   
#> 1 ENSG00000121410.11 A1BG    
#> 2 ENSG00000268895.5  A1BG-AS1
#> 3 ENSG00000148584.15 A1CF    
#> 4 ENSG00000175899.14 A2M     
#> 5 ENSG00000245105.3  A2M-AS1 
#> 6 ENSG00000166535.20 A2ML1
moo %<>%
  clean_raw_counts() %>%
    group_colname = "condition",
    label_colname = "sample_id",
    minimum_count_value_to_be_considered_nonzero = 1,
    minimum_number_of_samples_with_nonzero_counts_in_total = 1,
    minimum_number_of_samples_with_nonzero_counts_in_a_group = 1,
  ) %>%
    group_colname = "condition",
    label_colname = "sample_id"
#> * normalizing filt counts
#> * filtering clean counts
#> * cleaning raw counts
#> Not able to identify multiple id's in gene_id
#> Columns that can be used to aggregate gene information gene_id
#> Aggregating the counts for the same ID in different chromosome locations.
#> Column used to Aggregate duplicate IDs: gene_id
#> Number of rows before Collapse: 58929
#> no duplicated IDs in gene_id
#> Number of features after filtering: 291
#> Total number of features included: 291
#> Sample columns: KO_S3, Sample columns: KO_S4, Sample columns: WT_S1, Sample columns: WT_S2

moo@counts$norm$voom %>% head()
#>              gene_id     KO_S3     KO_S4     WT_S1     WT_S2
#> 1  ENSG00000215458.8 11.075196 12.348091  8.816153 10.004874
#> 2 ENSG00000160179.18  9.608634 12.770317 12.348091 12.236996
#> 3  ENSG00000258017.1  9.608634  8.816153  8.816153  8.816153
#> 4  ENSG00000282393.1  8.816153  9.608634  8.816153  8.816153
#> 5  ENSG00000286104.1  9.608634  8.816153  8.816153  8.816153
#> 6  ENSG00000274422.1  8.816153  9.608634  8.816153  8.816153

NIDAP dataset

options(moo_print_plots = TRUE)

moo_nidap <- create_multiOmicDataSet_from_dataframes(
  sample_metadata =,
  counts_dat =
) %>%
  clean_raw_counts() %>%
  filter_counts(group_colname = "Group") %>%
  normalize_counts(group_colname = "Group") %>%
    covariates_colname = "Group",
    batch_colname = "Batch",
    label_colname = "Label"
#> * batch-correcting norm-voom counts
#> * normalizing filt counts
#> * filtering clean counts
#> * cleaning raw counts

#> Not able to identify multiple id's in GeneName
#> Columns that can be used to aggregate gene information GeneName
#> Aggregating the counts for the same ID in different chromosome locations.
#> Column used to Aggregate duplicate IDs: GeneName
#> Number of rows before Collapse: 43280
#> no duplicated IDs in GeneName
#> Number of features after filtering: 7943

#> Total number of features included: 7943
#> Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
#> increasing max.overlaps

#> Sample columns: A1, Sample columns: A2, Sample columns: A3, Sample columns: B1, Sample columns: B2, Sample columns: B3, Sample columns: C1, Sample columns: C2, Sample columns: C3
#> Found2batches
#> Adjusting for2covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
#> Standardizing Data across genes
#> Fitting L/S model and finding priors
#> Finding parametric adjustments
#> Adjusting the Data

#> The total number of features in output: 7943
#> Number of samples after batch correction: 10