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pdq = Pretty Darn Quick

spacesavers2_pdq creates TSV (or JSON) file per-datamount per-run (typically per-date). If run daily, this soon creates a lot of files to keep track of. Hence, it is best to save the data in a sqlite db. spacesavers2_pdq_create_db command creates the basic schema for that db. Then this command can be used to populate the database.

pdq schema


  • --tsv: .tsv or .tsv.gz created using spacesavers2_pdq
  • --database: .db file created using spacesavers2_pdq_create_db
  • --datamount: eg. CCBR or CCBR_Pipeliner
  • --date: integer date in YYYYMMDD format
usage: spacesavers2_pdq_update_db [-h] -t TSV -o DATABASE -m DATAMOUNT -d DATE [-v]

spacesavers2_pdq_create_db: update/append date from TSV to DB file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TSV, --tsv TSV     spacesavers2_pdq output TSV file
  -o DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        database file path (use spacesavers2_pdb_create_db to create if it does not exists.)
  -m DATAMOUNT, --datamount DATAMOUNT
                        name of the datamount eg. CCBR or CCBR_Pipeliner
  -d DATE, --date DATE  date in YYYYMMDD integer format
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

    > spacesavers2_pdq_update_db -t /path/to/tsv -o /path/to/db -m datamount_name -d date


updated db file

sqlite ".db" file with 4 tables is updated.


  • new users are automatically added to "users" table
  • new datemounts are automatically added to "datamounts" table
  • new dates are automatically added to "dates" table
  • if >0 datapoints exist in the ".db" for a (date + datamount) combination then warning is displayed and no data is appended