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This takes in the TSV file generated by spacesavers2_grubbers and a hash from its first column to:

  • find the row corresponding to the hash
  • keep one copy as of the duplicates as "original copy"
  • delete other copies and replace them with hard (or soft) links

Deleting these high-value duplicates has the biggest impact on the users overall digital footprint.


  • --grubber output file from spacesavers2_grubbers.
  • --hash a hash from its first column of the grubber TSV.
  • --force (OPTIONAL) if the duplicates are cross-device then hard links cannot be made, with --force you can force using sym-links instead.

The GRUBBER file has the following columns: | Column | Description | | ------ | ------------------------------------- | | 1 | combined hash | | 2 | number of duplicates found | | 3 | total size of all duplicates (human readable) | | 4 | size of each duplicate (human readable) | | 5 | original file | | 6 | ";"-separated list of duplicates files |

usage: spacesavers2_usurp [-h] -g GRUBBER -x HASH [-f | --force | --no-force]

spacesavers2_usurp: delete all but one copy of the file matching the hash and replace all other copies with hardlinks

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GRUBBER, --grubber GRUBBER
                        spacesavers2_grubbers output TSV file
  -x HASH, --hash HASH  hash (or unique partial hash) from column 1 of spacesavers2_grubbers TSV file
  -f, --force, --no-force
                        forcefully create symlink if hardlink is not possible

    > spacesavers2_usurp -g grubbers.TSV -h someHash


On screen confirmation that the duplicates are replaced with hard (or soft) links.