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This is a wrapper to run all the spacesavers2 commands in the correct order. It automatically:

  • adds appropriate prefixes to output files (including time)
  • catalogs files in the folder provided
  • finds duplicates
  • finds high-value duplicates
  • creates blamematrix

This is ideal wrapper to be added as a cronjob.

 % spacesavers2_e2e --help
usage: spacesavers2_e2e [-h] -i INFOLDER [-p THREADS] [-q QUOTA] -o OUTFOLDER

End-to-end run of spacesavers2

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Folder to run spacesavers_catalog on.
  -p THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to use
  -d MAXDEPTH, --maxdepth MAXDEPTH
                        maxdepth for mimeo
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        limit for running spacesavers_grubbers
  -q QUOTA, --quota QUOTA
                        total size of the volume (default = 200 for /data/CCBR)
  -o OUTFOLDER, --outfolder OUTFOLDER
                        Folder where all spacesavers_e2e output files will be saved