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🚀 spacesavers2 🚀



  • crawls through the provided folder (and its subfolders),
  • gathers stats for each file like size, inode, user/group information, etc.,
  • calculates unique hashes for each file,
  • using the information gathers determines "duplicates",
  • reports "high-value" duplicates, i.e., the ones that will give back most diskspace, if deleted,and
  • makes a "counts-matrix" style matrix with folders as rownames and users a columnnames with each cell representing duplicate bytes.

New improved parallel implementation of spacesavers. spacesavers is soon to be decommissioned!

Note: spacesavers2 requires python version 3.11 or later and the xxhash library. These dependencies are already installed on biowulf (as a conda env). The environment for running spacesavers2 can get set up using:

. "/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/db/PipeDB/Conda/etc/profile.d/" && \
conda activate py311


spacesavers2 has the following Basic commands:

Use case

One would like to monitor the per-user digital footprint on shared data drives like /data/CCBR on biowulf. Setting the spacesavers2_e2e as a weekly cronjob will allow automation of this task. slurm_job script is also provided to work as a template for using the job scheduler on the HPC to submit (possibly, as cronjob).