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Learn some of the basics of Snakemake through the following tutorial.

  1. Create a script to run Snakemake
  2. Create variables to run a snakemake_config file
  3. Create rules for scenarios
  4. Use script to invoke Snakemake

Manifest Files

Manifest files have already been created in the /snakemake_tutorial/manifest directory. This includes:




The task can be broken up into A. pre-processing, B. sample handling, C. rule creation, and D. Advanced Commands. All edits should be completed in the /snakemake_tutorial/pipeline_todo/ directory.

A. Pre-Processing

  • Create the output_dir, and a subdirectory log
  • Create two different Snakemake commands, one for a dry run and one for a local run to the The commands should be dry or local.
    • Include the path to the workflow/Snakefile, the config/snakemake_config.yaml in both commands
    • Include flags --printshellcmds, --verbose, --rerun-incomplete in both commands
    • Include flag --cores 1 for the local command

B. Sample Handling

  • Create the parameters in the config/snakemake_config.yaml
    'sampleManifest' which gives the path of the sampleManifest
    'out_dir' which gives the path to the output dir (must exist)
    'data_dir' which gives the path to the data dir found under "/snakemake_tutorial/data/"
  • Create the sample dictionaries and project lists from the manifest in the workflow/Snakefile
    `CreateSampleDicts` creates a dictionary matching sample_id to fq_file and a dictionary which matches sample_id to bam_file
    `CreateProjLists` creates a project lists `sp_list` which contains all sample_ids, `fq_list` which contains all fq_file names, and `bam_list` which contains all bam_file names

C. Basic activities

Complete each of the following tasks, in order. Be sure to perform dry runs and complete runs between each rule creation. The Hints section below provides guidance on each rule, while the Example page provides a detailed explanation of rule creation and features.

  • General Tasks
    • Create rule_all for each rule one at a time in the workflow/Snakefile.
    • Create rule_all input for all fq input files, from the fq_list
  • Rule A
    • input files should be {sample_id}.fq
    • output should be {sample_id}_rulea.txt and should be output to the out_dir
    • shell command should add a line "ruleA completed on a new line" to the original file
  • Rule B
    • input files should be get_input_files. this definition will look up the name of the fq by taking in the sample_id as a wildcard, and using the samp_dict
    • output should be {sample_id}_ruleb.txt and should be output to the out_dir
    • shell command should add a line "ruleB completed on a new line" to the original file
  • Rule C
    • input files should be all of Rule A's output files
    • params should be def get_rulec_cmd which iterates through all samples and creates a command cat {sample1}_rulea.txt {sample2}_rulea.txt >> {final_file}
    • output should be merged_rulea.txt and should be output to the out_dir/final_output
    • shell command should touch the {final_file}, then run the cmd parameter
  • Rule D
    • input files should be directly linked to Rule B's output files
    • params should be def get_ruled_cmd which iterates through all samples and creates a command cp /output/path/{sample_id}_ruleb.txt /output/path/final_output/{sample_id)_copies_ruleb.txt; for each sample
    • output should be {sample_id}_copied_ruleb.txt and should be output to the out_dir/final_output
    • shell command should run the cmd parameter

D. Advanced activities

  • Add features to the workflow/Snakefile:
    • Designate temp files
      • flag rule A and rule B files so they are deleted after the pipeline completion
    • Link rule names to log files
      • all rules must have a param called rname where the rule name is identified uniquely
  • Add initializtion features to the pipeline
    • Add features to the file to include:
      • check if output_dir or output_dir/log are created; if not create them during invocation of the file
      • copy the config/snakemake_config.yaml, config/cluster_config.yaml to the output_dir; ensure snakemake runs use these files
      • update all config files with the output_dir variable given from the command line and pipeline_dir variable based on the invocation location of the pipeline;
  • Utilize cluster for rules
    • Add features to the file to include:
      • update the copies cluster_config.yaml to change the time limit from 2 hours to 1 hour and threads from 4 to 2 for Rule E
    • Add a new command to the file:
      • name the new command cluster. This command will include all of the previous flags of local.
      • expand the cluster command withsbatch additional flags:
        • --job-name="snakemake_tutorial"
        • --gres=lscratch:200
        • --time=120:00:00
        • --output=${output_dir}/log/%j_%x.out
        • --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
      • expand the cluster command further, with additional snakemake flags:
        • --latency-wait 120
        • --use-envmodules
        • -j 5
        • --cluster-config ${output_dir}/config/cluster_config.yml
      • expand the cluster command further, with additional snakemake cluster flags:
        • cluster "sbatch --gres {cluster.gres} --cpus-per-task {cluster.threads} -p {cluster.partition} -t {cluster.time} --mem {cluster.mem} --job-name={params.rname} --output=${output_dir}/log/{params.rname}{cluster.output} --error=${output_dir}/log/{params.rname}{cluster.error}"
  • Rule E
    • General Tasks
      • Create rule_all input for all bam input files, from the bam_list
    • input files should be {sample_id}.fq
    • envmodules should load the samtools version samtools/1.15.1 from the snakemake_config.yaml file
    • threads should use def getthreads
    • params should have rname set as a unique rule name
    • output should be {sample_id}.sam and should be output to the out_dir/final_output
    • shell command should use samtools to output the header to a sam file


  • Rule A and rule B are using the same input files, but only differ in how these files are being referenced. There are times when the sample_id of an input file will match, but other times (as when taking in a multiplexed ID when they will not be the same). Rule A handles cases where they match, rule B handles cases where they would not match.
  • Rule B invokes a function to define the input files. Read more about this here.
  • Rule C uses the expand feature for to gather all required input files. Read more about this here.
  • Rule C and Rule D are outputting data to a directory that does not exist (out_dir/final_output). Snakemake will automatically create directories that don't exist, when they are listed as output files.
  • Rule C should use the def definted to iterate through all the samples created in the sp_list.
  • Rule D requires a "link" to Rule B's outptu through the use of the rules.RuleName.output.OutputName. Read more about this here.
  • Advanced commands require use of the temp feature of snakemake. Read more about this here.
  • Advanced commands require the use of the cluster feature of snakemake. Read more about this here.
  • Cluster config file will follow the variable format from Biowulf for all sbatch parameters
  • Rule E requires outputting the header samtools view -H of a file

Last update: 2022-07-27