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CCBR and NCBR are umbrella organizations providing collaborative bioinformatics support to 300+ investigators across the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and NIAID. Our development team includes members with a diversity of experiences and expertise, ranging from NGS analyses, statistics, population genetics, application development, and computational data science.


In addition to providing bioinformatics support, we are actively engaged in technical development projects aimed at establishing best-practices for NGS data analysis. We extensively test and benchmark every tool that is added to our pipelines. Our comprehensive benchmarking of different tools and methods has accumulated in a set of best practices pipelines for the analysis of WGS/WES, RNA-seq, miR-seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-seq, Microarray, and Single-cell datasets. Pipeliner provides directly access to these pipelines.

Last update: 2022-11-04