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Reference genomes

The Initial QC and variant calling pipelines support the following genomes:
Human hg19 hg38
Mouse mm10

Tools and versions

Analysis Category Software Version Notes
Trimmomatic 0.33
bwa aligner 0.7.15
Picard 2.1.1
Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) 3.8-0
Somatic Variant Calling
Mutect2 GATK 3.8-0
Mutect 1.1.7
VarDict 1.4
Strelka 2.9.0 Tumor-Normal only
vcf2maf 1.6.16
MutSigCV 1.41 Run only if >10 tumor samples
Germline Variant Calling
HaplotypeCaller GATK 3.8-0
Admixture 1.3.0
PLINK 1.9.0
Copy Number Variants (CNV)
Control-FREEC 11.9 Tumor-Normal only
Sequenza-utils 2.2.0 Tumor-Normal only
Sequenza R package 3.0 Tumor-Normal only
Canvas 1.3.8 WGS only
Structural Variants (SV)
Manta 1.3.0
SvABA WGS only
Quality Control and Reporting
qualimap 2.2.1
multiqc 1.4
FastQC 0.11.5
Fastq Screen 0.9.3
General scripting
R 3.5
perl 5.18.4
Python 3.6

Last update: 2022-11-04