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Gene and isoform expression pipelines


This page is the main source of documentation for users that are getting started with the RNA-seq expression pipeline. If you are not familiar with RNA-seq, please checkout our theory and practical guide. That section provides a conceptual overview to RNA-seq analysis and as well as a set of generalized guidelines for different quality-control metrics.

Our resources page contains more information about the pipeline's supported reference genomes along with every tool the pipeline employs.

If you are a new user, we recommend following our guided tutorial with the provided test data set on Biowulf. If you are a new user and you would like to skip our guided tutorial, please see our quick start section.

The RNA-seq expression workflow is composed of two phases (or pipelines). In the first pipeline, gene and isoform expression are quantified and pre- and post- alignment QC is performed. In the second pipeline, differential expression analysis is performed. In both pipelines, a series of interactive reports are generated to allow a user to explore their results. Both pipelines support the following reference genomes:

Human hg19 hg38 hg38_30 hs37d5 hs38d1 hg38_30
Human + Integrated Virus hg38_30_KSHV hg38_HPV16
Mouse mm10 mm9 mm10_M21
Canine canFam3
Rhesus macaque Mmul_8.0.1

Quantification and quality-control pipeline

In the first pipeline, the sequencing quality of each sample is independently assessed using FastQC, Preseq, Picard tools, RSeQC, SAMtools, and QualiMap. FastQ Screen and Kraken + Krona are used to screen for various sources of contamination. Adapter sequences are removed using Cutadapt prior to mapping to the user-selected reference genome. STAR is run in a two-pass mode where splice-junctions are collected and aggregated across all samples and provided to the second-pass of STAR. Gene and isoform expression levels are quantified using RSEM and subread. The expected counts from RSEM are merged across samples to create a two counts matrices for genes and isoforms.

RNA-seq quantification pipeline Fig 1. An Overview of the Quantification and Quality-control Pipeline. Gene and isoform counts are quantified and a series of QC-checks are performed to assess the quality of the data. This pipeline stops at the generation of a raw counts matrix, which is input to the next sub-workflow. To run the pipeline, a user must select their raw data directory (i.e. the location to their FastQ files), a reference genome, and output directory (i.e. the location where the pipeline performs the analysis). Quality-control information is summarized across all samples in the MultiQC report.

Differential Expression pipeline

In the second step, the count matrices from RSEM are filtered to remove low count genes (i.e. [CPM < 0.5] >= X samples) prior to differential expression analysis. The filtered raw gene count matrix is normalized, and differential expression analysis is performed between user-defined groups of samples (i.e. contrasts) using three different methods: DESeq2, limma, and edgeR. Enriched pathways are identified via l2p over-representation test using gene sets from the Molecular Signatures Database.

Please note: As input, this sub-workflow will accept the raw counts matrix generated in the first step (i.e. RNA-seq quantification and quality-control pipeline), or it will accept a user-provided raw counts matrix.

RNA-seq DE pipeline Fig 2. An overview of the Differential Expression Pipeline. Three different methods (Deseq2, limma, and edgeR) are employed to find differentially expressed genes for each user-defined contrast. EBSeq is used to find differentially expressed isoforms. A PCA report containing before and after normalization plots (using DESeq2, limma, and edgeR) is generated for each contrast.

Last update: 2022-11-04