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Output Files

Phase 1 of the ChIP-seq pipeline

Successful completion of Phase 1 of the ChIPseq tutorial demo data will create the following file/folder structure:

Rawdata files

Symlinks to the raw fastq files:

├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.fastq.gz -> /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/testdata/chipseq//SRR3081748_1.fastq.gz
├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.R1.fastq.gz -> /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/testdata/chipseq//SRR3081749_1.fastq.gz
├── ...
├── ...

Sequencing quality and contamination assessments:


rawfastqc and fastqc folders contains sequencing quality assessment results using fastqc for raw and preprocess fastq files. Each file has a .zip archive and a .html report. These results are also summarized across samples in the multiqc_report.html file.

├── rawfastQC
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
├── fastQC
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...


1 million reads from each sample are screened against the following database using Fastqscreen:

  • Human
  • Mouse
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Viruses
  • UniVec
  • Ribosomal sequences

The results are saved in the FQscreen and FQscreen2 folders. You can expect 6 files per sample as shown the example below:

├── FQscreen
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.html
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.png
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.txt
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
├── FQscreen2
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.html
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.png
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.R1.trim_screen.txt
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...


Kraken provides a k-mer based approach which assigns each read to a bacterial reference in an "all known bacterial species" database. These are reported in the *.taxa.txt files per sample. These assignments can then be interactively visualized in a html file using Krona.

├── kraken
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.trim.fastq.kraken_bacteria.krona.html
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.trim.fastq.kraken_bacteria.taxa.txt
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

ChIP quality and replicate concordance assessments

Deeptools outputs

deeptools` folder has the following set of files for each group (a group includes all replicates for that group including input samples):

  • fingerprint plot related files:
  • fingerprint.metrics.Q5DD.tsv: fingerprint plot stats
  • fingerprint.Q5DD.pdf: fingerprint plot with Q5DD data
  • fingerprint.sorted.pdf: fingerprint plot with unfiltered data
  • heatmap and profile plots focused on various genomic loci:
  • metagene: all genes in the genome normalized by gene length
  • prot.metagene: same as above but focused on protein-coding genes only
  • TSS: around transcription start sites of all genes
  • prot.TSS: same as above but focused on protein-coding genes only
├── deeptools
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.fingerprint.metrics.Q5DD.tsv
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.fingerprint.Q5DD.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.fingerprint.sorted.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.metagene_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.metagene_heatmap.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.metagene_profile.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.metagene_profile.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.metagene_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.metagene_heatmap.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.metagene_profile.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.metagene_profile.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.TSS_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.TSS_heatmap.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.TSS_profile.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.prot.TSS_profile.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.TSS_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.TSS_heatmap.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.TSS_profile.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.TSS_profile.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

deeptools folder sorted_fingerprint subfolder with fingerprint stats for unfiltered bam files.

├── deeptools
│   ├── sorted_fingerprint
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p20.fingerprint.metrics.sorted.tsv
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3.fingerprint.metrics.sorted.tsv
│   │   └── MEF_p20.fingerprint.metrics.sorted.tsv

deeptools folder contains principle component analysis plots with all samples.

├── deeptools
│   ├── pca.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── pca.sorted.RPGC.pdf

deeptools folder also contain spearman correlation plots (heatmaps and scatterplots) with all samples

├── deeptools
│   ├── spearman_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC_mqc.png
│   ├── spearman_heatmap.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── spearman_heatmap.sorted.RPGC.pdf
│   ├── spearman_scatterplot.Q5DD.RPGC.pdf
│   └── spearman_scatterplot.sorted.RPGC.pdf

ChIP-seq relevant QC

QC folder contains more ChIP-seq relevant qc metrics. For eg.

  • Preseq is used to assess library complexity.
  • NGSQC is used to compare ChIP quality between replicates/samples. These results are also summarized per group.

QCTable.txt neatly aggregrates all the QC metrics into a single tab-delimited file which can be easily read into Microsoft Excel.

├── QC
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.ccurve
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.preseq.dat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.preseq.log
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.NGSQC_report.txt
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.NGSQC.txt
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   ├── Macrophage_p20.NGSQC.Q5DD.png
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── QCTable.txt

Multiqc report

Along with some other housekeeping files the Reports folder contains the multiqc_report.html which graphically aggregates all QC assestments into one report.

├── Reports
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   ├── multiqc_data
│   │   ├── multiqc_bcbio_metrics.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_chip-specific_qc_metrics.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_data.json
│   │   ├── multiqc_fastqc.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_fastq_screen.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc.log
│   │   ├── multiqc_samtools_flagstat.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_samtools_idxstats.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_sources.txt
│   │   ├── seqbuster_isomirs.txt
│   │   └── seqbuster_mirs.txt
│   ├── multiqc_report.html
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

Alignment and Visualization files:


bam folder has following files for each sample:

  • .bam: binary version of the alignment file. There are 3 versions of alignment files:
  • sorted.bam: all alignments sorted by coordinates
  • Q5.bam: sorted alignments filtered to exclude alignments with MAPQ<5
  • Q5DD.bam: deduplicated version of the Q5.bam file
  • Each of the .bam files may also have the following secondary files:
  • .bai: index for the .bam file
  • .flagstat: file containing the alignment statistics
  • .idxstat: file containing number of reads aligning per chromosome
  • .ppqt: cross-correlation statistics
  • .pdf: cross-correlation plots
    • .tagAlign.gz: alignments in bed format for downstream peak calling by MACS2
├── bam
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5.bam.bai
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5.bam.flagstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5.bam.idxstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.bam
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.bam.bai
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.bam.flagstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.bam.idxstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.pdf
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.ppqt
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.Q5DD.tagAlign.gz
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.bam
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.bam.bai
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.bam.flagstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.bam.idxstat
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.pdf
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.sorted.ppqt
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...


.bigwig folder contains alignments in bigwig format which is smaller than bam format and easy for quick visualizations using genome browsers like IGV. Each sample has 3 bigwig files:

  • created by normalizing the corresponding .sorted.bam file to 1X genome coverage
  • created by normalizing the corresponding .Q5DD.bam file to 1X genome coverage
  • created by subtracting the normalized input bigwig file from the normalized ChIP bigwig
├── bigwig
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

Other important files

Some of the other important files in the working_dir are:

  • cluster.json: outlines the resources requested for each Snakemake rule
  • Snakefile: contains all the Snakemake rules
  • HPC_usage_table.txt: tabular report of how each Snakemake rule utilized the HPC cluster with details
  • run.json: json file saving all GUI selections
  • tab-delimited file defining which samples are ChIP and what are their corresponding input samples
├── cluster.json
├── Snakefile
├── HPC_usage_table.txt
├── run.json
├── ...
├── ...

All other folder and files in the working_dir are for housekeeping and are required for successful execution of the CCBR_Pipeliner.

Phase 2 of the ChIP-seq pipeline

Successful completion of Phase 2 of the ChIPseq tutorial demo data will create the following file/folder structure in addition to the files created in Phase 1:

Peak calls:


gem folder has a subfolder for each sample, which should contain the files ending with GEM_events.narrowPeak which represent the peak calls from GEM in narrowPeak format.

├── gem
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.GEM_events.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.GEM_events.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.GPS_events.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.GPS_events.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_outputs
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

MACS2 for broad peaks

macs2Broad folder has a subfolder for each sample, which should contain the files ending with .broadPeak which represent the peak calls from macs2 in broadPeak format. The peaks are also available in Excel format.

├── macsBroad
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_peaks.broadPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_peaks.gappedPeak
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_peaks.xls
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_peaks.broadPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_peaks.gappedPeak
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_peaks.xls
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_peaks.broadPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_peaks.gappedPeak
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_peaks.xls
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_peaks.broadPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_peaks.gappedPeak
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_peaks.xls
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_peaks.broadPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_peaks.gappedPeak
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_peaks.xls
│   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_peaks.broadPeak
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_peaks.gappedPeak
│       └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_peaks.xls

MACS2 for narrow peaks

macs2Narrow folder has a subfolder for each sample, which should contain the files ending with .narrowPeak which represent the peak calls from macs2 in narrowPeak format. The peaks are also available in Excel format, along with peak summits in bed format.

├── macsNarrow
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_peaks.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_peaks.xls
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_summits.bed
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_peaks.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_peaks.xls
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_summits.bed
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_peaks.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_peaks.xls
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_summits.bed
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_peaks.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_peaks.xls
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_summits.bed
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_peaks.narrowPeak
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_peaks.xls
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_summits.bed
│   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_peaks.narrowPeak
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_peaks.xls
│       └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_summits.bed


sicer folder has a subfolder for each sample which contains the peakcalls from sicer in bed, broadPeak and tabular formats.

├── sicer
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_broadpeaks.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_broadpeaks.txt
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_sicer.broadPeak
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_broadpeaks.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_broadpeaks.txt
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_sicer.broadPeak
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_broadpeaks.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_broadpeaks.txt
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_sicer.broadPeak
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_broadpeaks.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_broadpeaks.txt
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_sicer.broadPeak
│   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_broadpeaks.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_broadpeaks.txt
│   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_sicer.broadPeak
│   └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_broadpeaks.bed
│       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_broadpeaks.txt
│       └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2_sicer.broadPeak

Peaks-based QC


FRiP and jaccard barplots/scatterplots/table are saved in the PeakQC folder for each of the peak callers:

  • gem
  • macs
    • broad
    • narrow
  • sicer
├── PeakQC
│   ├── gem.FRiP_barplot.png
│   ├── gem.FRiP_scatterplot.png
│   ├── gem.FRiP_table.txt
│   ├── gem.jaccard_heatmap.pdf
│   ├── gem.jaccard_PCA.pdf
│   ├── gem_jaccard.txt
│   ├── macsBroad.FRiP_barplot.png
│   ├── macsBroad.FRiP_scatterplot.png
│   ├── macsBroad.FRiP_table.txt
│   ├── macsBroad.jaccard_heatmap.pdf
│   ├── macsBroad.jaccard_PCA.pdf
│   ├── macsBroad_jaccard.txt
│   ├── macsNarrow.FRiP_barplot.png
│   ├── macsNarrow.FRiP_scatterplot.png
│   ├── macsNarrow.FRiP_table.txt
│   ├── macsNarrow.jaccard_heatmap.pdf
│   ├── macsNarrow.jaccard_PCA.pdf
│   ├── macsNarrow_jaccard.txt
│   ├── sicer.FRiP_barplot.png
│   ├── sicer.FRiP_scatterplot.png
│   ├── sicer.FRiP_table.txt
│   ├── sicer.jaccard_heatmap.pdf
│   ├── sicer.jaccard_PCA.pdf
│   └── sicer_jaccard.txt

The above files allow you to make inter-sample comparison for a peak caller at a time. If you want to compare accross peak caller then you can you the following files in PeakQC folder.

├── PeakQC
│   ├── jaccard_heatmap.pdf
│   ├── jaccard_PCA.pdf
│   └── jaccard.txt

Replicate concordance with IDR

IDR folder contains the outputs generated by comparing replicates peaks using idr for the following peak callers:

  • sicer
  • macs2
    • broad
    • narrow

Please note that IDR is not run for GEM.

├── IDR
│   ├── macsBroad
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p20
│   │   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│   │   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3
│   │   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt
│   │   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   │   └── MEF_p20
│   │       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│   │       └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   ├── macsNarrow
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p20
│   │   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│   │   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3
│   │   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt
│   │   │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   │   └── MEF_p20
│   │       ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│   │       └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png
│   └── sicer
│       ├── Macrophage_p20
│       │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│       │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png
│       ├── Macrophage_p3
│       │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt
│       │   └── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2.idrValue.txt.png
│       └── MEF_p20
│           ├── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt
│           └── CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_1_vs_CTCF_ChIP_MEF_p20_2.idrValue.txt.png

Peak annotations with UROPA

UROPA annotations are provided while prioritizing the following genomic features:

  • all genes
  • protein-coding genes
  • transcription start sites of all genes
  • transcription start sites of protein-coding genes

Files are saved for all four peak callers (gem/macs2Narrow/macs2Broad/sicer) in individual subfolders for all called peaks. Similarly the DiffBind results are also annotated with UROPA in the DiffBind folder if any contrasts are provided at the time of running phase2 of the pipeline.

├── UROPA_annotations
│   ├── gem
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.gem.genes.json
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.gem.prot.json
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.gem.TSSgenes.json
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1.gem.TSSprot.json
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_genes_allhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_genes_finalhits.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_genes_finalhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_genes_summary.pdf
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_prot_allhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_prot_finalhits.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_prot_finalhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_prot_summary.pdf
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSgenes_allhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSgenes_finalhits.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSgenes_finalhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSgenes_summary.pdf
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSprot_allhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSprot_finalhits.bed
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSprot_finalhits.txt
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_gem_uropa_TSSprot_summary.pdf
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── macsNarrow
│   ├── macsBroad
│   ├── sicer
│   ├── DiffBind

Motif analysis with HOMER

de novo and known motif enrichment is performed using HOMER with the entire genome as background. The HOMER_motifs folder contains a subfolder for all four peak callers (gem/macsBroad/macsNarrow/sicer). Each of these subfolders further contain a subfolder per sample peak call as shown below:

├── HOMER_motifs
│   ├── macsBroad
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_macsBroad_GW
│   │   │   ├── homerMotifs.all.motifs
│   │   │   ├── homerMotifs.motifs10
│   │   │   ├── homerMotifs.motifs12
│   │   │   ├── homerMotifs.motifs8
│   │   │   ├── homerResults
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── homerResults.html
│   │   │   ├── knownResults
│   │   │   ├── knownResults.html
│   │   │   ├── knownResults.txt
│   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_macsBroad_GW
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_macsBroad_GW   
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_macsBroad_GW
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── macsNarrow
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_macsNarrow_GW
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_macsNarrow_GW
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_macsNarrow_GW   
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_macsNarrow_GW
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── sicer
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_1_sicer_GW
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p20_2_sicer_GW
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_1_sicer_GW   
│   │   ├── CTCF_ChIP_macrophage_p3_2_sicer_GW
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...

DiffBind results (Optional)

DiffBind is run for all contrast provided in the file using:

  • DESeq2
  • EdgeR

Each contrasts' results are saved in a separate subfolder along with a combined html report as shown below:

├── DiffBind
│   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem
│   │   ├── DiffBind_pipeliner.Rmd
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind_Deseq2.bed
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind_Deseq2.txt
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind_EdgeR.bed
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind_EdgeR.txt
│   │   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind.html
│   │   └── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-gem_Diffbind_prep.csv
│   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-macsNarrow
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-macsBroad
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── Macrophage_p3_vs_Macrophage_p20-sicer
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...

Other important files

Some of the other important files in the working_dir are:

  • if contrasts are supplied for running DiffBind, then they are saved in this tab-delimited file
  • HPC_usage_table.txt: tabular report of how each Snakemake rule utilized the HPC cluster with details. The older version of this file from the phase1 execution is also retained by renaming it.
├── ...
├── ...
├── HPC_usage_table.txt
├── HPC_usage_table.txt.2020_06_22_05_14_24
├── ...
├── ...

All other folder and files in the working_dir are for housekeeping and are required for successful execution of the CCBR_Pipeliner.

Last update: 2022-11-04