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Recommended steps to troubleshoot the pipeline.

1.1 Email

Check your email for an email regarding pipeline failure. You will receive an email from with the subject: Slurm Job_id=[#] Name=CARLISLE Failed, Run time [time], FAILED, ExitCode 1

1.2 Review the log files

Review the logs in two ways:

  1. Review the master slurm file: This file will be found in the /path/to/results/dir/ and titled slurm-[jobid].out. Reviewing this file will tell you what rule errored, and for any local SLURM jobs, provide error details
  2. Review the individual rule log files: After reviewing the master slurm-file, review the specific rules that failed within the /path/to/results/dir/logs/. Each rule will include a .err and .out file, with the following formatting: {rulename}.{masterjobID}.{individualruleID}.{wildcards from the rule}.{out or err}

1.3 Restart the run

After addressing the issue, unlock the output directory, perform another dry-run and check the status of the pipeline, then resubmit to the cluster.

nextflow run \
    -entry $datatype \
    -profile biowulf \
    --input assets/input_manifest.csv \
    --contrast assets/contrast_manifest.csv \
    --outdir /data/sevillas2/scRNA_test \
    --species $species \

1.4 Contact information

If after troubleshooting, the error cannot be resolved, or if a bug is found, please create an issue and send and email to Samantha Chill.