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If you are experiencing an issue, please read through this list first before contacting our team.

We have compiled this FAQ from the most common problems. If you are running into an issue that is not on this page, please feel free to reach out to our team.

Job Status

Q: How do I know if RENEE pipeline finished running? How to check status of each job?

A. Once the pipeline is done running to completion, you will receive an email with header like

Slurm Job_id=xxxx Name=pl:renee Ended, Run time xx:xx:xx, COMPLETED, ExitCode 0

To check the status of each individual job submitted to the cluster, there are several different ways. Here are a few suggestions:

Check Job Status

You can check the status of Biowulf jobs through the your user dashboard.

Each job that RENEE submits to the cluster starts with the pl: prefix.

SLURM has built-in commands that allow a user to view the status of jobs submitted to the cluster.

Method 1: To see what jobs you have running, run the following command:

squeue -u $USER

Method 2 You can also run this alternative command to check the status of your running jobs:


Each job that RENEE submits to the cluster starts with the pl: prefix.

Q: What if the pipeline is finished running but I received a "FAILED" status? How do I identify failed jobs?

A. In case there was some error during the run, the easiest way to diagnose the problem is to go to logfiles folder within the RENEE output folder and look at the snakemake.log.jobby.short file. It contains three columns: jobname, state, and std_err. The jobs that completed successfully would have "COMPLETED" state and jobs that failed would have the FAILED state.

Find Failed Jobs

All the failed jobs would be listed with absolute paths to the error file (with extension .err). Go through the error files corresponding to the FAILED jobs (std_err) to explore why the job failed.

# Go to the logfiles folder within the renee output folder
cd renee_output/logfiles

# List the files that failed
grep "FAILED" snakemake.log.jobby.short | less

Many failures are caused by filesystem or network issues on Biowulf, and in such cases, simply re-starting the Pipeline should resolve the issue. Snakemake will dynamically determine which steps have been completed, and which steps still need to be run. If you are still running into problems after re-running the pipeline, there may be another issue. If that is the case, please feel free to contact us.

Q. How do I cancel ongoing RENEE jobs?

A. Sometimes, you might need to manually stop a RENEE run prematurely, perhaps because the run was configured incorrectly or if a job is stalled. Although the walltime limits will eventually stop the workflow, this can take up to 5 or 10 days depending on the pipeline.

To stop RENEE jobs that are currently running, you can follow these options.

Cancel running jobs

You can use the sjobs tool provided by Biowulf to monitor ongoing jobs.

Examine the NAME column of the sjobs output, one of them should match pl:renee. This is the "primary" job that orchestrates the submission of child jobs as the pipeline completes. Terminating this job will ensure that the pipeline is cancelled; however, you will likely need to unlock the working directory before re-running renee again. Please see our instructions below in Error: Directory cannot be locked for how to unlock a working directory.

You can manually cancel the primary job using scancel.

However, secondary jobs that are already running will continue to completion (or failure). To stop them immediately, you will need to run scancel individually for each secondary job. See the next tab for a bash script that tries to automate this process.

When there are lots of secondary jobs running, or if you have multiple RENEE runs ongoing simultaneously, it's not feasible to manually cancel jobs based on the sjobs output (see previous tab).

We provide a script that will parse the snakemake log file and cancel all jobs listed within.

## Download the script (to the current directory)

## Run the script
bash /path/to/output/logfiles/snakemake.log

The script accepts one argument, which should be the path to the snakemake log file. This will work for any log output from Snakemake.

This script will NOT cancel the primary job, which you will still have to identify and cancel manually, as described in the previous tab.

Once you've ensured that all running jobs have been stopped, you need to unlock the working directory (see below), and re-run RENEE to resume the pipeline.

Job Errors

Q. Why am I getting sbatch: command not found error?

A. Are you running the renee on by mistake? Helix does not have a job scheduler. One may be able to fire up the singularity module, initial working directory and perform dry-run on helix. But to submit jobs, you need to log into biowulf using ssh -Y

Q. Why am I getting a message saying Error: Directory cannot be locked. ... when I do the dry-run?

A. This is caused when a run is stopped prematurely, either accidentally or on purpose, or the pipeline is still running in your working directory. Snakemake will lock a working directory to prevent two concurrent pipelines from writing to the same location. This can be remedied easily by running renee unlock sub command. Please check to see if the pipeline is still running prior to running the commands below. If you would like to cancel a submitted or running pipeline, please reference the instructions above.

# Load Dependencies
module load ccbrpipeliner

# Unlock the working directory
renee unlock --output /path/to/working/dir

Q. Why am I getting a message saying MissingInputException in line ... when I do the dry-run?

A. This error usually occurs when snakemake is terminated ungracefully. Did you forcefully cancel a running pipeline? Or did one of your running pipelines abruptly end? Either way, the solution is straight-forward. Please go to your pipeline's output directory, and rename or delete the following hidden directory: .snakemake/. This directory contains metadata pertaining any snakemake runs inside that working directory. Sometimes when a pipeline is pre-maturely or forcefully terminated, a few files related to tracking temp() files are not deleted and snakemake raises a MissingInputException.

# Navigate to working directory
cd /path/to/working/dir

# Rename .snakemake directory to something else
# And try re-dry running the pipeline
mv .snakemake .old_snakemake