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Recommended steps to troubleshoot the pipeline.

1.1 Email

Check your email for an email regarding pipeline failure. You will receive an email from with the subject: Slurm Job_id=[#] Name=ccbr1214 Failed, Run time [time], FAILED, ExitCode 1

1.2 Error Report

Run the error report script

cd /[output_dir]/log/[time_of_run]
cat error.log

Review the report for the rules that erred, and the sample information. An example report is listed below:

The following error(s) were found in rules:
Error in rule rule1:
Error in rule rule2:
Error in rule rule3:

The following samples are affected by memory and must be deleted:
rule1.[sbatchid].sp=[sample_name].err:[E::hts_open_format] Disc quota exceeded

The following samples are affected by missing input files/output dir and should be reviewed:
rule2.[sbatchid].sp=[sample_name].err:[E::hts_open_format] Failed to open file "[file_name]" : No such file or directory

The following samples are affected by other error_rules and should be reviewed:
rule3.[sbatchid].sp=[sample_name].err:[E::hts_open_format] TIMEOUT

1.3 Restart the run

After addressing the issue, unlock the output directory, perform another dry-run and check the status of the pipeline, then resubmit to the cluster.

#unlock dir
./run --runmode=unlock --workdir=/path/to/output/dir

#perform dry-run
./run --runmode=dryrun --workdir=/path/to/output/dir

#submit to cluster
./run --runmode=run --workdir=/path/to/output/dir