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Release Guide

How to test a pre-release on biowulf

Install the development version of crispin.

# activate the conda env for development
. "/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/db/PipeDB/Conda/etc/profile.d/"
conda activate py311

# go to the source on biowulf and update
cd /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/CRISPIN/crispin-dev
git pull
# optionally switch to different branch if needed

# install the version to a hidden path (e.g. .v0.1.0, .v1.0.0.9000) in /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/CRISPIN
cd ..
pip install ./crispin-dev -t ./.v0.1.0
# add it to your PATH and PYTHONPATH with:
export PATH="$PATH:/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/CRISPIN/.v0.1.0/bin/"
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/CRISPIN/.v0.1.0/"

Add CRISPIN to the ccbrpipeliner module on biowulf

Create a lua file in /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/modules/ccbrpipeliner, e.g. dev.lua. You can copy the most recent lua file to use as a base, then modify the following line:

source_sh("bash", "/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/CRISPIN/crispin-dev/bin/ .v0.1.0")

Change the version of CRISPIN as needed. Notice the dot (.) in front of the version number to indicate a hidden path.

Then use and load the module (substitute dev for whatever you named the new lua file) with:

module use /data/CCBR_Pipeliner/modules
module load ccbrpipeliner/dev

Last update: 2024-05-06