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Contributing to CRISPIN

TODO -- describe gitflow, require PRs...

Use pre-commit hooks

Pre-commit can automatically format your code, check for spelling errors, etc. every time you commit.

Install pre-commit if you haven't already, then run pre-commit install to install the hooks specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Pre-commit will run the hooks every time you commit.


Increment the version number following semantic versioning1 in the VERSION file.


Keep the changelog up to date with all notable changes in CHANGELOG.md2.

VS code extensions

If you use VS code, installing nf-core extension pack is recommended.


For testing and debugging, We recommend installing the dev version of crispin to a user-specific location.

git clone
mkdir -p ~/bin/crispin
pip install ./CRISPIN -t ~/bin/crispin
export PATH="$HOME/bin/crispin/bin:$PATH"

  1. semantic versioning guidelines 

  2. changelog guidelines: 

Last update: 2023-08-31