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Getting Started with CRISPIN

TODO intro paragraph


CRISPIN is installed on the Biowulf and FRCE clusters as part of the ccbrpipeliner module. If you'd like to run the pipeline in a different execution environment, take a look at how to run the nextflow pipeline directly.

Prepare a sample sheet



Copy the configuration files to your current working directory

crispin init


TODO preview, stub, mode=slurm

TODO required params

Run preview to view processes that will run:

crispin run -profile test -preview

Launch a stub run to view processes that will run and download containers:

crispin run -profile test,singularity -stub

Run the test dataset using the test profile:

crispin run -profile test,singularity

or explicitly specify the output directory and input:

crispin run -profile singularity --outdir results/test --input assets/samplesheet_test.csv

Custom reference genome

TODO different required params

Create and use a custom reference genome:

crispin run -profile test -entry MAKE_REFERENCE
crispin run -profile test -c results/test/genome/custom_genome.config

Last update: 2024-05-06