The CARLISLE github repository is stored locally, and will be used for project deployment. Multiple projects can be deployed from this one point simultaneously, without concern.
1. Getting Started¶
1.1 Introduction¶
The CARLISLE Pipelie beings with raw FASTQ files and performs trimming followed by alignment using BOWTIE2. Data is then normalized through either the use of an user-species species (IE E.Coli) spike-in control or through the determined library size. Peaks are then called using MACS2, SEACR, and GoPEAKS with various options selected by the user. Peaks are then annotated, and summarized into reports. If designated, differential analysis is performed using DESEQ2. QC reports are also generated with each project using FASTQC and MULTIQC. Annotations are added using HOMER and ROSE. GSEA Enrichment analysis predictions are added using CHIPENRICH.
The following are sub-commands used within CARLISLE:
- initialize: initalize the pipeline
- dryrun: predict the binding of peptides to any MHC molecule
- cluster: execute the pipeline on the Biowulf HPC
- local: execute a local, interactive, session
- git: execute GitHub actions
- unlock: unlock directory
- DAG: create DAG report
- report: create SNAKEMAKE report
- runtest: copies test manifests and files to WORKDIR
1.2 Setup Dependencies¶
CARLISLE has several dependencies listed below. These dependencies can be installed by a sysadmin. All dependencies will be automatically loaded if running from Biowulf.
- bedtools: "bedtools/2.30.0"
- bedops: "bedops/2.4.40"
- bowtie2: "bowtie/2-2.4.2"
- cutadapt: "cutadapt/1.18"
- fastqc: "fastqc/0.11.9"
- fastq_screen: "fastq_screen/0.15.2"
- fastq_val: "/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/iCLIP/bin/fastQValidator"
- fastxtoolkit: "fastxtoolkit/0.0.14"
- gopeaks: "github clone https://github.com/maxsonBraunLab/gopeaks"
- macs2: "macs/"
- multiqc: "multiqc/1.9"
- perl: "perl/5.34.0"
- picard: "picard/2.26.9"
- python37: "python/3.7"
- R: "R/4.2.2"
- rose: "ROSE/1.3.1"
- samtools: "samtools/1.15"
- seacr: "seacr/1.4-beta.2"
- ucsc: "ucsc/407"
1.3 Login to the cluster¶
CARLISLE has been exclusively tested on Biowulf HPC. Login to the cluster's head node and move into the pipeline location.
# ssh into cluster's head node
ssh -Y $USER@biowulf.nih.gov
1.4 Load an interactive session¶
An interactive session should be started before performing any of the pipeline sub-commands, even if the pipeline is to be executed on the cluster.
# Grab an interactive node
sinteractive --time=12:00:00 --mem=8gb --cpus-per-task=4 --pty bash