ASPEN Outputs


The workdir which is supplied as -w while running aspen init, dryrun and run commands will contain the following files:

├── cluster.json
├── config.yaml
├── contrasts.tsv
├── dryrun_git_commit.txt
├── dryrun.log
├── fastqs
├── logs
├── results
├── runinfo.yaml
├── sampleinfo.txt
├── samples.tsv
├── scripts
├── slurm-48768339.out
├── snakemake.log
├── snakemake.stats
├── stats
├── submit_script.sbatch
└── tools.yaml

Here are more details about these files:

File File Type Mode (-m) When This File is Created/Overwritten Description
cluster.json JSON init Defines cluster resources per snakemake rule
config.yaml YAML init; can be edited later Configurable parameters for this specific run
contrasts.tsv TSV Needs to be added in after init List of contrasts to run, one per line; has no header
dryrun_git_commit.txt TXT dryrun The git commit hash of the version of ASPEN used at dryrun
dryrun.log TXT dryrun Log from -m=dryrun
fastqs FOLDER dryrun Folder containing symlinks to raw data
logs FOLDER dryrun Folder containing all logs including Slurm .out and .err files
results FOLDER Created at dryrun but populated during run Main outputs folder
runinfo.yaml YAML After completion of run Metadata about the run executor, etc.
sampleinfo.txt TXT dryrun, run Tab-delimited mappings between replicateNames and sampleNames
samples.tsv TSV init; can be edited later Tab-delimited manifest with replicateName, sampleName, path_to_R1_fastq, path_to_R2_fastq. This file has a header.
scripts FOLDER init Folder keeps local copy of scripts called by various rules
slurm-49051815.out TXT run Slurm .out file for the master job
snakemake.log TXT run Snakemake .log file for the master job; older copies timestamped and moved into logs folder
stats FOLDER Created at dryrun but populated during run Contains older timestamped runinfo.yaml files
submit_script.sbatch TXT run Slurm script to kickstart the main Snakemake job
tools.yaml YAML run YAML containing the version of tools used in the pipeline (obsolete; was used to load specific module versions prior to moving over to Docker/Singularity containers)


The results directory contains the actual output files. Below are the folders that you may find within it.

├── results
    ├── dedupBam
    ├── peaks
    ├── QC
    ├── qsortedBam
    ├── tagAlign
    └── tmp

Content details:

Folder Description
dedupBam Deduplicated filtered BAM files; can be used for visualization.
peaks Genrich/MACS2 peak calls (raw, consensus, fixed-width); also contains ROI files with Diff-ATAC results if contrasts.tsv is provided; motif enrichments using HOMER and AME; bigwigs for visualization.
QC Flagstats; dupmetrics; read counts; motif enrichments; FLD stats; Fqscreen; FRiP; ChIPSeeker results; TSS enrichments; Preseq; MultiQC.
qsortedBam Query name sorted BAM files; used for Genrich peak calling (includes multimappers).
tagAlign tagAlign.gz files; deduplicated; used for MACS2 peak calling.
tmp Can be deleted; blacklist index; intermediate FASTQs; Genrich output reads.

The QC folder contains the multiqc_report.html file which provides a comprehensive summary of the quality control metrics across all samples, including read quality, duplication rates, and other relevant statistics. This report aggregates results from various QC tools such as FastQC, FastqScreen, FLD, TSS enrichment, Peak Annotations, and others, presenting them in an easy-to-read format with interactive plots and tables. It helps in quickly identifying any issues with the sequencing data and ensures that the data quality is sufficient for downstream analysis.


BAM files from dedupBam can be used for downstream footprinting analysis using CCBR_TOBIAS pipeline


bamCompare from deeptools can be run to compare BAMs from dedupBam for comprehensive BAM comparisons.


BAM files from dedupBam can also be converted to BED format and processed with chromVAR to identify variability in motif accessibility across samples and assess differentially active transcription factors from the JASPAR database.

Most of the above folders are self-explanatory. The peaks folder has this hierarchy:

├── results
    ├── peaks
        ├── genrich
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak.annotated
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak.genelist
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak.annotation_summary
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak.annotation_distribution
           ├── <sampleName>.genrich.pooled.narrowPeak
           ├── <sampleName>.genrich.consensus.bed
           ├── ROI.counts.tsv
           ├── bigwig
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak_motif_enrichment
              └── knownResults
           ├── DiffATAC
           ├── <replicateName>.genrich.consensus.bed_motif_enrichment
           └── tn5nicks
        └── macs2
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak.annotated
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak.genelist
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak.annotation_summary
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak.annotation_distribution
           ├── <sampleName>.macs2.pooled.narrowPeak
           ├── <sampleName>.macs2.consensus.bed
           ├── ROI.counts.tsv
            ├── bigwig
            ├── <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak_motif_enrichment
               └── knownResults
            ├── DiffATAC
           ├── <replicateName>.macs2.consensus.bed_motif_enrichment
            ├── fixed_width
            └── tn5nicks

Some of the important folders and files are highlighted below:


  • bigwig:

For easy visualization, they are converted to bigWig format and saved in respective bigwig folders. The bigWig files can be directly loaded into UCSC Browser or IGV.

  • tn5nicks:

This folder host the per-replicate BAM files containing the Tn5 nicking sites in Genrich or MACS2 "peakcalling" reads, respectively.

  • DiffATAC:

Contains the DESeq2 differential accessiblity results, both per-contrast and aggregated accross all contrasts in contrasts.tsv. These results are solely based on tn5 nick counts.

  • fixed_width:

This folder contains fixed-width consensus peaks across replicates and samples, represented in the "Regions-Of-Interest" files. The ROI.bed file lists genomic regions where chromatin accessibility is analyzed using DESeq2, with results stored in the DiffATAC folder.

  • <replicateName>.macs2.narrowPeak_motif_enrichment;<replicateName>.genrich.narrowPeak_motif_enrichment;<replicateName>.macs2.consensus.bed_motif_enrichment;<replicateName>.genrich.consensus.bed_motif_enrichment:

Contains the motif enrichments calculated using HOMER and AME for peaks called for each replicate, sample consensus peaks using both MACS2 and Genrich. Specifically, two types of motif enrichments are performed:

  • Enrichment of known HOCOMOCO (version 11) motifs for HUMAN or MOUSE or BOTH using HOMER. See file knownResults.html.

  • de novo motif enrichment using AME from MEME suite. See file ame_results.txt. Custom parallelization is used to optimize AME based enrichment analysis.


  • *.narrowPeak:

Called peaks from Genrich or MACS2

  • Annotated peak files:

Peaks are annotated with ChIPSeeker and results are saved in the following files:

  • .annotated

    Tab-delimited txt file with the following columns:

Column Number Field Name Description
1 #peakID Peak identifier
2 chrom Peak chromosome
3 chromStart Peak start coordinate
4 chromEnd Peak end coordinate
5 width Peak width
6 annotation Peak annotation (Promoter; 3' or 5' UTR; Distal; Downstream; Exon; Intron)
7 geneChr Gene chromosome
8 geneStart Gene start coordinate
9 geneEnd Gene end coordinate
10 geneLength Gene length (including introns)
11 geneStrand Gene strand
12 geneId Gene identifier
13 transcriptId Transcript identifier
14 distanceToTSS Distance of peak from the Transcription Start Site
15 ENSEMBL Gene Ensembl ID
16 SYMBOL Gene symbol
17 GENENAME Gene description
18 score Score from .narrowPeak file
19 signalValue Signal from .narrowPeak file
20 pValue p-value from .narrowPeak file
21 qValue q-value from .narrowPeak file
22 peak Distance of peak summit from peak start coordinate
  • .genelist

This is a tab-delimited file with names (Ensembl ID, gene symbol) of genes which have ATAC-seq peaks in their promotor regions. This file can be used downstream for gene enrichment analysis (ORA or over-representation analysis).

  • .annotation_summary; .annotation_distribution

Tab-delimited files that provide statistics on peak annotations, quantifying the number of peaks found in Promoters, Exonic regions, Distal Intergenic regions, etc. The .annotation_distribution is use to create visualization of these annotation-distributions in the MultiQC report.

  • ROI.counts.tsv

This file contains the read counts for each Region-Of-Interest (ROI) across all replicates of all samples. It is a tab-delimited file with the following columns:

Column Number Field Name Description
1 Geneid Region-Of-Interest identifier
2 Chr Chromosome of the ROI
3 Start Start coordinate of the ROI
4 End End coordinate of the ROI
5 Strand "."
6 Length Length of the ROI
7 sample1_replicate1 Tn5 nicking site counts in this ROI for replicate1 of sample1
8 sample1_replicate2 Tn5 nicking site counts in this ROI for replicate2 of sample1
... ... ...
n sampleN_replicateM Tn5 nicking site counts in this ROI for replicateM of sampleN

Each row represents a specific ROI, and the columns contain the read counts for each sample, allowing for differential accessibility analysis.


DISCLAIMER: This folder hierarchy is specific to v1.0.6 and is subject to change with version.