Running ASPEN¶
To effectively run the ASPEN (ATAC-Seq PipEliNe) on the Biowulf High-Performance Computing (HPC) system, please follow the detailed user guide below:
- Biowulf Account: Ensure you have an active Biowulf account.
- Data Preparation: Store your raw ATAC-Seq paired-end FASTQ files in a directory accessible from Biowulf.
Setting Up the Environment¶
Load the ASPEN Module on Biowulf¶
To access ASPEN, load the ccbrpipeliner
module load ccbrpipeliner/7
This command adds aspen to your system's PATH, allowing you to execute pipeline commands directly.
Note: If you're operating outside of Biowulf, ensure that dependencies such as snakemake, python, and singularity are installed and accessible in your system's PATH.
Create a Sample Manifest¶
ASPEN requires a sample manifest file (samples.tsv
) to identify and organize your input data. This tab-separated file should include the following columns:
: Unique identifier for each replicate.sampleName
: Identifier for the sample; multiple replicates can share the same sample name.path_to_R1_fastq
: Absolute path to the Read 1 FASTQ file.path_to_R2_fastq
: Absolute path to the Read 2 FASTQ file (required for paired-end data).
Symlinks for R1 and R2 files will be created in the results directory, named as
The replicateName
is used as a prefix for individual peak calls, while the sampleName
serves as a prefix for consensus peak calls.
For differential ATAC analysis, create a contrasts.tsv
file with two columns (Group1 and Group2 ... aka Sample1 and Sample2, without headers) and place it in the output directory after initialization. Ensure each group/sample in the contrast has at least two replicates, as DESeq2 requires this for accurate contrast calculations.
Running the ASPEN Pipeline¶
ASPEN operates through a series of modes to facilitate various stages of the analysis.
Initialize the Working Directory¶
Begin by initializing your working directory, which will house configuration files and results. Replace
aspen -m=init -w=<path_to_output_folder>
This command generates a config.yaml and a placeholder samples.tsv
in the specified directory. Edit these files to reflect your experimental setup, replacing the placeholder samples.tsv
with your prepared manifest. If performing differential analysis, include the contrasts.tsv
file at this stage.
To explore all possible options of the aspen
command you can either run it without any arguments or run aspen --help
Here is what help looks like:
Welcome to
____ ____ ___ ____ _ _
|__| [__ |__] |___ |\ |
| | ___] | |___ | \| v1.0.6
A_TAC_S_eq A_nalysis P_ip_E_li_N_e
This pipeline was built by CCBR (
Please contact Vishal Koparde for comments/questions (
Here is a list of genome supported by aspen:
* hg19 [Human]
* hg38 [Human]
* mm10 [Mouse]
* mmul10 [Macaca mulatta(Rhesus monkey) or rheMac10]
* bosTau9 [Bos taurus(cattle)]
aspen calls peaks using the following tools:
bash /gpfs/gsfs10/users/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/ASPEN/.v1.0.6/aspen -w/--workdir=<WORKDIR> -m/--runmode=<RUNMODE>
Required Arguments:
1. WORKDIR : [Type: String]: Absolute or relative path to the output folder with write permissions.
2. RUNMODE : [Type: String] Valid options:
* init : initialize workdir
* dryrun : dry run snakemake to generate DAG
* run : run with slurm
* runlocal : run without submitting to sbatch
ADVANCED RUNMODES (use with caution!!)
* reconfig : recreate config file in WORKDIR (debugging option) EDITS TO config.yaml WILL BE LOST!
* reset : DELETE workdir dir and re-init it (debugging option) EDITS TO ALL FILES IN WORKDIR WILL BE LOST!
* printbinds: print singularity binds (paths)
* local : same as runlocal
Optional Arguments:
--genome|-g : genome eg. hg38
--manifest|-s : absolute path to samples.tsv. This will be copied to output folder (--runmode=init only)
--help|-h : print this help
Example commands:
bash /gpfs/gsfs10/users/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/ASPEN/.v1.0.6/aspen -w=/my/output/folder -m=init
bash /gpfs/gsfs10/users/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/ASPEN/.v1.0.6/aspen -w=/my/output/folder -m=dryrun
bash /gpfs/gsfs10/users/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/ASPEN/.v1.0.6/aspen -w=/my/output/folder -m=run
python : python/3.10
snakemake : snakemake
pipeline_home : /gpfs/gsfs10/users/CCBR_Pipeliner/Pipelines/ASPEN/.v1.0.6
git commit/tag : f4366158ad972bc667422dcd4783bd69fa041556 v1.0.6
aspen_version : v1.0.6
Dry Run the Pipeline¶
Before executing the full analysis, perform a dry run to visualize the workflow and identify potential issues:
aspen -m=dryrun -w=<path_to_output_folder>
Execute the Pipeline¶
If the dry run output is satisfactory, proceed to run the pipeline:
aspen -m=run -w=<path_to_output_folder>
- Optional Argument:
or -c
: Specify a Singularity cache directory. The default is /data/${USER}/.singularity
if available; otherwise, it defaults to ${WORKDIR}/snakemake/.singularity
Example Command:
aspen -m=run -w=/my/output/folder -c /data/${USER}/.singularity
Monitor ASPEN runs¶
To monitor the status of your ASPEN pipeline and its associated jobs on a Slurm-managed system, you can utilize the squeue and scontrol commands. The squeue command provides information about jobs in the scheduling queue, while scontrol offers detailed insights into specific jobs.
To view all your active and pending jobs, execute:
squeue -u $USER
For more granular information about a specific job, including its child jobs spawned by ASPEN, use the scontrol command:
scontrol show job <jobid>